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Anna-Louise accepts the role of Patron toThe Wildlife Art Society International

Pollyanna’s daughter and business partner Anna-Louise is honoured to have accepted the prestigious role of Patron to The Wildlife Art Society International.

Pollyanna acted as patron of the society for many years, and was always delighted to support the excellent work that TWASI does in supporting and encouraging wildlife art, as well as raising funds for and awareness of conservation issues. Pollyanna attended the society’s annual exhibition every year to present the awards and medals bestowed on outstanding artworks – and in June, Anna-Louise was proud to attend in her stead, and make the presentations (above). Around 300 works are displayed publicly each year, and all work submitted for hanging is judged by a highly respected and independent panel of judges with a variety of awards being presented at the closing ceremony. This event is currently held in a large marquee on the front lawn of the Nature in Art Gallery in Gloucestershire.

The Wildlife Art Society International was founded in 1992 and has grown to be one of the leading Wildlife Art Societies in the UK while also growing in recognition internationally. The aims of the Society are the promotion of the wildlife art genre in its own right, and providing a focus for the interests of all wildlife artists, painters, sculptors and photographers whether they are professional, serious amateur or leisure artists. The Society offers members a wide and varied series of events throughout the year, including workshops to help members to advance their artistic skills.

Anna-Louise’s fellow patrons include the world famous anthropologist and UN Messenger of Peace Jane Goodall, the founder of Secret World Wildlife Rescue Pauline Kidner and the colourful owner of Longleat The Marquess of Bath.

Pollyanna enjoyed a long relationship with the society. Prior to accepting the role of patron, she was honoured to be selected to receive their special one off Millennium Trophy for Wildlife Art. The judges decided that the depth and quality of Pollyanna’s portfolio of work meant that she should be the recipient of this prestigious trophy in the millennium year. They also bestowed two Gold Medals in recognition of her outstanding artwork.

She exhibited artwork frequently with the group, and also gave several lectures and presentations at TWASI events. Pollyanna’s paintings frequently featured in their publicity material – and just last year Pollyanna was delighted when her painting of a wolf was selected her as the signature painting to feature on all of their posters, invitations, adverts and promotional material for their Twenty-fifth Anniversary Exhibition. In the same year she included paintings in the exhibition ‘Wildlife Treasures’ which featured work by the society’s patrons and founders.

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